President Barack Hussein Obama Does "Wag The Mosque" In A Deflation Economy > 자유게시판

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President Barack Hussein Obama Does "Wag The Mosque" In A De…

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작성자 Florida
댓글 0건 조회 239회 작성일 22-11-16 10:15


By mid-September the Obama campaign pretty much admitted they had no strategy for Sarah or anything else that was not in their game plan. Since they had clearly not done scenario planning they found themselves in a box they could not wiggle out of.

It sounds simple but, it takes the right candidate to do it and ever since she's entered the race, our new Mayor of Orange County Teresa Jacobs has demonstrated it.

When I visited Alaska almost 20 years ago, I was told by the tour guide that of all the states in the nation, Alaska had the highest incidents of rape. This makes sense if you have every visited Nome, where there are more bars on every street corner than in NYC. Yet, Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska has not addressed this problem. Why should she? She does not believe in abortion in cases of rape or incest. A Governor is supposed to act on behalf of the people she represents, regardless of her own beliefs.

The fact of the matter is this year's presidential election process has been boring. It's the equivalent of watching grass grow everyday for six hours. Not that I don't love politics and the bickering and infighting and speculation that McCain or Clinton was out of the race months ago. But for this campaign to have lasted over 480 days by the time the conventions roll around, that's absurd.

malaysia election Mitt Romney, aside from spending a lot of money, also worked very hard. He was on the campaign trail almost constantly. He appeared in debates against the President and was very well prepared. Nobody could accuse him of slacking off on the campaign trail. He still lost.

Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain all announced their hopes for the presidency well over a year ago. That may be the reason that two of those three have since dropped out.

Rick Scott Wins Florida Governor's Race:: Rick Scott re-wrote the rulebook to Florida Politics. It was awkward but in the end, Florida chose to elect a the businessman who touted his job creating experience. Who built a company from nothing. He knew attacking the President was the route to the Governor's mansion. He ducked Newspaper Op-Ed boards and didn't talk to the media if it wasn't a friendly set up. Billion dollar medical fraud? Yeah, but that was like sooo long ago..

Why is that? Canadian law doesn't limit how long politicians can campaign, dato ramanan ramakrishnan kuala lumpur but it does strictly limit how much money they can spend on a campaign. That's no matter if it's the candidate's own money, or money contributed by supporters or special interests. And Canada seems to have been a pretty well run country over the years.


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